Education  China Project #58084

Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children

by ACTAsia
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Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children
Education to nurture kindness in Chinese children


ACTAsia believes that respect for people, animals, and the natural world will lead to a more compassionate and sustainable world. Our project aims to help 250 Chinese children, aged between 6 and 12 years old, to develop a sense of compassion and responsibility. The curriculum teaches kindness, develops empathy, and cultivates compassion towards animals, people, and the environment. Since 2012 we have trained over 3,751 educators reaching 118,354 children.

total goal
monthly donors


Character education is not part of the Chinese education system and the concept of animal sentience, and the interconnectivity of all living things can be lacking in parts of Asian society due to a complex range of historical, political, and socio-economic factors. Many children are not taught vital life skills such as empathy, compassion, and the importance of protecting animals and the environment, essential in addressing the unprecedented threats of the climate crisis and loss of biodiversity


Caring for Life Children's Education is the only formal curriculum currently used in China to teach compassion and kindness to all living things at an early age. The curriculum advances children's skills and attitudes, enabling them to think critically with empathy and respect. Taught over six years, children learn that all living things are interdependent. The course teaches kindness, develops empathy, and cultivates compassion towards animals, people, and the environment.

Long-Term Impact

Our project seeks to drive positive and sustainable long-term change in Asian societies, helping children to understand and appreciate the importance of the interdependence of animals, people, and the environment. It will advance children's skills and attitudes, enabling them to think critically with empathy and respect. It will equip them to consider the significant global challenges so that when they become decision-makers, they can work together to find solutions that fit the world's needs.


Organization Information


Location: High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Tweet_ACTAsia
Project Leader:
Karen Branagh
High Wycombe , Buckinghamshire United Kingdom
$1,296 raised of $10,000 goal
12 donations
$8,704 to go
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