Focusing on children in Argentina

by Pilares (Fundacion Accion Pais para la Formacion de Liderazgo Social)
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina
Focusing on children in Argentina


The main objective of this project is to promote the development of language and pre-literacy throughout early childhood before entering school. After working with children for fifteen years, we have discovered that many problems related to mathematics and other subjects come from problems not appropriately solved in reading comprehension in early childhood. We have a group of professionals who works with approximately 200 children from ages 3 to 7, introducing them to reading and writing.

total goal
monthly donors


Villa 21-24 in Barracas is the largest slum in Buenos Aires City, having over 42.00 occupants. The lack of overall income and family dynamics are affecting the psychological and cognitive development of the children. We can see the impacts of this on the different stages of life, from language difficulties in early childhood, which leads to complications in bonding with peers and adults, to problems in basic literacy processes during Primary School, which leads to school dropouts and violence.


Our objectives are to form, sustain and boost the preparation of children in Villa 21-24 from ages 3 to 8 for school and social life. We will work to promote cognitive, social, and emotional development so they can acquire the necessary knowledge to maintain schooling.

Long-Term Impact

Our goals are that the children achieve significant learning capabilities in order to provide them with tools to improving their learning skills in the future and improving the abilities that they have to establish relate themselves with others children and adults

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Pilares (Fundacion Accion Pais para la Formacion de Liderazgo Social)

Location: Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, CABA - Argentina
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @pilaresong
Project Leader:
Graciana Gaona
Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires , CABA Argentina
$9,322 raised of $10,000 goal
64 donations
$678 to go
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