Education  Peru Project #40208

Education of poor disabled Children in Peru

by Asociacion Centro de Rehabilitacion para Personas con Discapacidad Wasi Esperanza
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Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru
Education of poor disabled Children in Peru

Project Report | Oct 9, 2023
An extra chromosome, and extra love

By Liseth Anaya | Project Psychologist


El síndrome de Down es una condición en la que una persona tiene un cromosoma extra, las personas con esta condición experimentan dificultades de aprendizaje que conducen a retrasos en muchas áreas del desarrollo. Sin embargo, no todas las áreas de desarrollo se ven afectadas por igual. Ahora, les voy a contar sobre Santiago, un niño con este síndrome.

Santiago asiste a una escuela regular, pero por lo general aprende y progresa más lentamente que la mayoría de los otros niños, su maestra trata de ayudarlo en Wasi Esperanza, nos esforzamos por brindarle las técnicas y herramientas necesarias para que pueda mejorar su aprendizaje. Es grato saber que sus dificultades académicas no disminuyen su entusiasmo y ganas de aprender.

Cuando adaptas el material a las necesidades de Santiago y le enseñas como un juego, capta rápidamente las instrucciones y es capaz de hacer lo que se le pide. Le encantan los juegos de encaje, materiales que puede tocar con las manos como la arcilla o la plastilina, y se divierte armando rompecabezas. Santiago es muy hábil en muchos aspectos y aunque su idioma aún tiene limitaciones, siempre logra transmitir sus ideas, y su aprendizaje ha ido mejorando porque mientras más atención y dedicación le demuestres, mayor rendimiento académico y cognitivo te encontrarás.

Una de las cualidades más bonitas de Santiago es su simpatía y gran amor que lleva de oficina en oficina, de persona en persona se cruza, nunca le falta una sonrisa en la cara y siempre te espera con un fuerte abrazo. Esto le permite integrarse adecuadamente en diferentes ambientes y asegura que él también sea querido y aceptado en la escuela, porque sin duda, Santiago tiene mucho amor para dar a todos.


Down syndrome is a condition in which a person has an extra chromosome. People with this condition experience learning difficulties that lead to delays in many areas of development. However, not all areas of development are affected equally. Now, I am going to tell you about Santiago, a child with this syndrome.

Santiago attends a regular school, but generally learns and progresses more slowly than most other children, his teacher tries to help him at Wasi Esperanza, we strive to provide him with the necessary techniques and tools so that he can improve his learning. It is pleasant to know that your academic difficulties do not diminish your enthusiasm and desire to learn.

When you adapt the material to Santiago's needs and teach him as a game, he quickly grasps the instructions and is able to do what is asked of him. He loves lace games, materials that he can touch with his hands such as clay or plasticine, and he has fun putting together puzzles. Santiago is very skilled in many aspects and although his language still has limitations, he always manages to convey his ideas, and his learning has been improving because the more attention and dedication you show him, the greater academic and cognitive performance you will find.

One of Santiago's most beautiful qualities is his friendliness and great love that he carries from office to office, from person to person he meets, he never lacks a smile on his face and always waits for you with a big hug. This allows him to properly integrate into different environments and ensures that he is also loved and accepted at school, because without a doubt, Santiago has a lot of love to give to everyone.


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Project Leader:
Karime Karime
Ayacucho , AYACUCHO Peru
$19,086 raised of $25,000 goal
36 donations
$5,914 to go
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