Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon

by Insan Association
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Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon
Provide Education for Vulnerable People in Lebanon


Insan Association provides formal education and professional training, as well as psycho-social support, to marginalized communities in Lebanon. It helps children of refugees and vulnerable Lebanese children who are unable to attend school due to poverty and discrimination, enabling them to experience their childhoods.Insan will assist vulnerable adults in building individual projects to prepare them for the labor market through counseling sessions.

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In 2014, Lebanon was host to the largest number of refugees in the world compared to its population, with 1.5 million registered refugees, of whom half are children below the age of 18. That same year, a number of administrative decisions and memos from Lebanon's Ministry of Education and General Security were issued that restricted the enrolment of non-Lebanese children in public and semi-public schools. These decisions left non-Lebanese children with limited access to their right to education.


Insan School will provide education for children between the ages of four and 16, with classes in Arabic, English, French, math, science, and the arts. Cultural activities will also be organized for the children. The project also aims to help the children acquire the necessary skills to surmount the obstacles to their integration in the Lebanese school system - and, consequently, into Lebanese society. Social support will be provided to children and their families in order to meet their needs.

Long-Term Impact

Through the Insan School Program and providing psycho-social support to children and their families, we aim to overcome the educational inequalities between children from different nationalities in Lebanon, and as a result improve their living conditions and reduce poverty in the long run. Spaces will be created for children to grow and develop in a secure, nurturing environment - away from violence, forced labor and exploitation.


Organization Information

Insan Association

Location: Beirut - Lebanon
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Lala arabian
Beyrouth , Lebanon
$62,035 raised of $100,000 goal
540 donations
$37,965 to go
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