IBO Italia is cooperating with Amici di Huaycan to create a daycare structure where children living in Huaycan, a shantytown close to Lima, are helped in their studies, to prevent school drop-off. Local educators will support children in their homework and favour the relationship between school and families. A daily canteen service will provide them an healthy and nutritious meal and not formal learning activities will be organized.
Over 150,000 people live in Huaycan, a slum close to Lima, Peru. The area is devoid of resources and economic activity, and 60% of the population live in poverty. Hunger-related diseases and school drop-off are the main issues. Children (25% pop.) are not cared about of, since they do not produce income. IBO Italia and Amici di Huaycan aim to create a daycare structure where 120 children find support in their studies, turning into adults who can lead a real change in local community.
Children will be supported in their homework and non formal learning activities will be proposed at the centre during all the year. We will provide them two daily nutritious meals. This approach will help children to get through primary and secondary school. The best students will get scholarships for professional careers, with higher access to job opportunities. The program will also include scholarship for the attendance of special schools for children with disabilities.
The project will support up to 120 kids each year in their studies, improving the quality of their school learning and preventing school drop - off. In a long term period, a better education will raise economic conditions of individuals and boosting local economy with an increase of artisans and professionals in the area.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).