Days for Girls (DfG) is training Cambodian teachers to confidently and effectively teach menstrual health and puberty education to girls and boys nationwide. This initiative aims to fill critical gaps in menstrual health education, providing culturally specific and age-appropriate lessons on sexual and reproductive health menstrual products and self-defense. Additionally, DfG is locally producing and distributing DfG washable menstrual pad Kits to improve access to menstrual health resources.
Cambodian students and teachers face significant gaps in menstrual health education. Teaching while effectively integrating topics with social stigma into instruction can be a complex task for teachers. By the time student learners are of a certain age, the current curriculum design requires a modernized approach to address puberty and menstruation in more comprehensive ways. Beyond educational gaps, many school-aged Cambodian girls do not have access to quality menstrual care products.
This locally-led project delivers culturally-specific education tailored to meet the needs of women, girls, and boys. The initiative includes training at least 200 teachers through the Cambodian Training of Teachers Program and implementing age-appropriate menstrual health education lessons for at least 6,000 students. Lastly, DfG aims to locally produce and distribute at least 3,200 DfG washable menstrual pad Kits to students and teachers, promoting sustainable menstrual health practices.
Ensuring access to menstrual products in addition to education and advocacy equips women and girls with essential tools to live fuller lives. The Training of Teachers Program and its curriculum are designed with long-term outcomes in mind, ensuring that schools and educators continue to provide vital menstrual health education beyond the project timeline, fostering sustainable change in communities.
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