Project Report
| May 9, 2022
Celebrating Easter 2022
By Christine Garrison | Project Leader
![Celebrating Semana Santa with treats]()
Celebrating Semana Santa with treats
Guatemala is deeply rooted in local traditions that make the celebration of Semana Santa (Easter week) an important and colorful celebration. The big event for Easter in Guatemala is a parade which was not held for the past 2 years due to Covid restrictions but was joyously celebrated this year! Children usually do not receive gifts at Easter but special food is prepared this time of year. With your generosity, the teachers and staff at the Acorn Childcare Center gifted each family traditional egg yolk breads and chocolate to be able to celebrate together.
Many of our families are struggling with unemployment, poverty, in addition to Covid illness and fears of contagion, and are doing their best to raise their children in the midst of these challenges. The little moments of celebration are so need to bring hope and joy to their lives. Thank you!
![Egg bread and chocolate for families]()
Egg bread and chocolate for families
![Our families are so grateful!]()
Our families are so grateful!
Mar 28, 2022
Meet our new teacher, Seno Rosy!
By Christine Garrison | Project Leader
![Our new teacher, "Miss Rosie"]()
Our new teacher, "Miss Rosie"
We started this school year with a new member of our staff team, Rosa Ester Vásquez. Rosa is a fully qualified preschool teacher with a degree in Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, and a wealth of experience working with young children. Seño Rosy ("Miss Rosie") brings a great deal of positive energy and creative ideas to her work. Her warmth and enthusiasm inspire children to learn and she has become a very valued and reliable. member of our staff team!
Unfortunately, in Quetzaltenango, Covid numbers are high and schools are all closed. While the Acorn Childcare Center has not been able to open for in-person learning, the students have been very busy with remote learning! Teachers send daily instructional videos and parents pick up material kits to do the activities together at home.
Recently the students had a lot of fun with traditional activities for Carnaval, a holiday celebrated before the start of Lent. In Guatemala there is a tradition that children dress in costumes and fill empty egg shells with confetti and seal with tissue paper to be thrown at friends in this bright, colorful festive day!
Read the full story with photos of the students on our blog!
Feb 10, 2022
New Beginnings 2022
By Christine Garrison | Project Leader
We started this new year with great enthusiasm and joy, a strong sense of purpose and a deep commitment to promoting the well-being and development of the children who will be part of our Center. Already this month we have enrolled four new students. It is a delight to see their smiles! Although classes are still virtual for now, we can see their joy when participating each day.
We are also very excited to announce that Iliana Polanco, who has worked at the Center as a teacher for 16 years, is now our Director! She studied psychology at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala before becoming a preschool teacher. Omar Mejia will continue to work alongside Iliana for the next few months to ensure a smooth transition. We are incredibly grateful for all he has done for the Acorn Childcare Center for the past 11 years!
Click to read the full story & view photos on our blog