In our world today, the oceans are being polluted and exploited at an alarming rate. This increasing degradation is happening as a result of poor marine conservation education and lack of awareness. Therefore, Fishing for Families in Need focuses on educating and empowering the youth to make a difference. The project will use the sport/skill of fishing as a mechanism to immerse and educate socio-economically disadvantaged children from the Miami,FL area about their local marine environment.
According to a Food and Agriculture Organization estimate, over 70% of the world's fish species are either fully exploited or depleted. Most of this exploitation and depletion is happening as a result of ignorance and inadequate marine education. One of five people on this planet depend on fish as the primary source of protein. By educating the youth we can create ethical anglers who follow rules and regulations, and seek to minimize damage to the environment. Thus, securing fish for the future.
Fishing for Families in Need (F4FN) will provide a 6 week program with 40 children children from the Boys and Girls Club in Miami, FL in which hands on classes will be conducted. Such as knot tying, casting, multiple marine conservation/ education discussions, and field trips where the children will have the opportunity to interact and appreciate the grandeur of Atlantic Ocean. We provide a hands on education that is not available in regular school curriculum.
The project will educate 40 children allowing them to leave less of a footprint on the marine environment. They will be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to become responsible anglers and good stewards of the sea after completion of the six week program. These 40 children will then pass on their knowledge to friends and family over the course of their lives. Thus, possibly creating a movement for change in the Miami area focused on marine conservation and better fishing practices.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).