Project Report
| Jul 29, 2014
School's Out But Begins Soon
By Angie Roberts | Executive Director
School is out right now for our village children in the Ouelessebougou region of Mali. And, while their minds may be elsewhere, the Alliance is planning for the 14-15 school year. School begins in October and we want to see as many girls as possible enroll in school. Our Field Director and Program Coordinator in Mali work diligently with villagers and parents encouraging them to send all their children to school, not just the boys and not just the first born.
The Alliance works to subsidize the cost of sending a child to school and we invest in the teachers. We continue to work with the Mali Ministry of Education and cover the cost of the government sponsored teacher supervision program. And we know our efforts are paying off--our 6th grade students scored higher than the national average on the 6th grade exit exam!
We will keep working and raising money until every girl in our 25 villages from 1st-6th grade are given the opportunitty to attend and succeed in school!
Thank you for believing in this important mission!
Feb 6, 2013
700 Girls Going to School this Month in 11 Schools
By Jen Beckstead | Executive Director
![First generation girl going to school]()
First generation girl going to school
Dear Supporter,
700 girls are enrolled in 11 elementary schools this year due to the Ouelessebougou Alliance's involvement and the donors that have made it all happen! Our staff and board continue to have so much hope for the village children in 11 rural villages. Unlike their parents, these children have access to a school, teachers, and quality learning. The Ouelessebougou Alliance began its role in education in the early 90's. At that point few villages had an education program and the idea of sending girls to school was uncommon and unrealistic. Our partnership with the Mali Ministry of Education over the years has been a great benefit to the teachers in our schools. Our teachers have made great progress over the years as they have learned to transition from corporal punishment and rote memorization techniques to participatory learning in the classroom.
This year it costs just $20 to give a girl the opportunity to go to school, learn from a trained teacher, and have the supplies needed for quality education!
Thanks for your support of this important and progressive initiative!
Jen Beckstead
Executive Director
May 10, 2011
The End of a Great School Year!
By Jennifer Beckstead | Executive Director
What a year! We are so thrilled with the progress that has been made in 11 village elementary schools this year--benefiting 1,750 girls and boys. As we begin preparations for a new school year we can’t help but look back on this year as one of remarkable development. In fact it was a couple of years ago that we really made a significant stride when one of the elementary schools that we had been supporting decided they were ready to become a public school. Unfortunately, becoming a public school is no easy task. One requirement, among others, is that a village must have at least six classrooms in their school—one classroom per grade. After many years of providing construction and teacher training, the Alliance was happy to support the village of Tamala in their decision to become a public school. This year two other villages we have been working with over the past 10 years became public schools and three other villages are well on their way in the application process! We acknowledge the efforts of the village teachers and parents and look forward to making more sustainable progress in the coming year!