Educate and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria

by Global Integrated Education Volunteers Association
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria
Educate  and Empower 400 PLWD Leaders in Nigeria


The 10-year STEP program will provide 20 wheelchairs, 20 educational laptops with assistive technology, and 20 walking canes annually. This project will build capacity for 400 leaders of Persons Living with Disabilities (PLWD) in Nigeria; with the purpose for providing platforms for self-determination, equity, inclusion, diversity, and catalysts for economic integration.

total goal
monthly donors


Nearly 9.1 million young adults in Nigeria are out of school due to poverty. Persons Living with Disabilities (PLWD) form 25% of this population. Ellen Thompson, a Nigerian and paraplegic activist for more than 30 years, and the Founder and President of Center for the Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities (CAPWD) has been advocating for the rights of the PLWD in Nigeria. She succinctly stated, "Adolescents/young adults need education, no PLWD all over the world wants to beg! We want to create


The STEP's 10-year 400 PLWD leadership plan provides 20 wheelchairs, 20 laptops with assistive technology, and 20 walking canes annually to empower 40 PLWD young adults. This will prepare them to disengage from system-dependence to self-dependence in their daily struggles and integrate them into productive members of society. Education is a proven way to empower self-determination, gain equality, inclusion, and diversity for fundamental human rights and dignity.

Long-Term Impact

In partnership with the Center for Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities (CAPWD) and the Knowledge for the Blind Initiative (KFBI), the 10- year investment strategy is to build determined 400 PLWD from among the young adults through education and leadership training platforms. The project hopes to become a threshold for enabling PLWD community to rise above poverty, gain self- dependent mindset, and thus bring sustainable empowerment in a world hungry for equal rights, diversity, and inclusion


Organization Information

Global Integrated Education Volunteers Association

Location: Abuja, Federal Capital Territory - Nigeria
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @gievaorg
Project Leader:
Daniel Newton Obaka
Abuja , Federal Capital Territory Nigeria
$9,596 raised of $36,000 goal
117 donations
$26,404 to go
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