Last year, thanks to Global Giving donors, We constructed a well for the group of women "Wend-Songda" & their village Dodougou; providing them with water. This microcredit project will help them to develop their income-generating activities. They'll receive a small loan and training on how to manage a small business and how to generate/increase income for themselves and the family. Upon restitution of the capital, the loan will be renewed, assuring the long term sustainability of the project.
In Burkina Faso women primarily partake in agricultural work; to cope with the uncertainty of harvests (draught, insects, soil erosion), they may also run a small business; such as the brewing of millet beer or selling of agricultural products. The inconsistency and small turnover for these activities does not allow them to meet all their and the family's needs. The lack of an, even small, capital to be invested, prevents the women from pursuing further income-generating activities.
Each of the 70 women in the "Wend-Songda" group will receive a small loan, to be invested in her activities, and training on how to manage a small business, and other income generating activities. The loan will last 6 months: upon restitution of the capital and a positive evaluation the loan will be renewed, assuring the sustainability in the long term. Self-help groups with their husbands will ensure understanding, respect and empowerment within the family.
The project is completely sustainable in the long run. The fund is used only for loans for income-generating activities, in a six months cycle: borrow, invest, return the money - and then borrow again (excluding those unable to properly use the loan or return it). Training ensures the women's autonomy both in managing their activities and the money involved. Moreover, the women can share their learning and experience with other women/groups in nearby villages, thus amplifying the project.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).