Poor women in remote rural villages have very little option in getting livelihood and income for themselves. They wait for their husbands or parents eking an existence in farmlands that are already infertile due to repeated farming every year and because of the lack of inputs to produce good crops. There is a need to find ways in order to improve their economic situation and raising ducks is one of them.
Women in remote rural villages need additional sources of income in order to be economically independent as well as to contribute to the living expenses in the family. With very poor and infertile soil, looking for additional sources of income is difficult. There is a need to seek alternatives within the resources of the village for income expansion.
Duck raising is an easy economic activity. Ducks are not expensive to raise as they are fed with left-overs from the kitchen as well as nutrient-rich legumes found in the farm. Mature ducks provide eggs on a daily basis for 2 years and the eggs will be source of protein for the household as well as source of income when they are sold in the neighborhood. Duck meat is also a delicacy here and they command high price.
Providing very poor women with the means to support themselves and their families is an urgent need and when responded to, will mean bright future for women and an increase in contentment and standing for them in the community. Small-scale livelihood activities with a potential of high returns is very much needed in order for this to be realized.