Brilliant is Beautiful is a global fund for women and girls' secondary education. We are in the next phase of the female revolution. Brilliant is Beautiful embodies the notion that when a woman sets her mind to something, she is unstoppable. She can accomplish anything. Her determination shines bright. It is brilliant. And what she creates - what she does - is what makes her beautiful. The impact she has is her beauty.
There are more than 130 million girls in the world that should be in primary school but are not. Girls who don't complete secondary education tend to be less healthy, participate less in the formal labor market, earn less, marry earlier, and have more children. The barriers standing between a girl and her education encompass many different financial, cultural and practical concerns, but the truth of the matter is this: girls around the world need and deserve education.
The movement for the empowerment and education of women is well documented and well justified. An investment in girls' education changes not only girls' lives but also entire communities. Based on the potential of this movement and our own expertise, APJ has decided to make a strategic investment in secondary education for girls around the world.
Educating girls transforms communities. Child marriage and child mortality rates plummet as girls are liberated from a system that deeply affects them. The economy grows as the workforce is flooded with thousands of competent workers. The quality of life educated women increases as they are able to earn more and guarantee healthcare and education to their children. In effect, by educating those most vulnerable in the world today, they are given the tools necessary to climb out of poverty.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).