The goals of Harvesting Hope are to increase economic self-sufficiency and sustainable access to food for Indigenous Miskito women and families on the underserved North Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua.
As is the case in every region where MADRE works, poverty disproportionately affects Nicaraguan women. One of every four households in Nicaragua is headed by a woman, and despite recent decreases in men’s wages—which makes poverty in the region even more widespread—women are still hit hardest by the economic crises faced by Indigenous Peoples on the North Atlantic coast. Women on the coast are struggling to feed their families as they recover from years of war, drought, and flooding.
Train women to plant communal gardens that ensure access to a secure food supply, improve sustainable agriculture techniques in the region, and alleviate depression caused by grinding poverty & successive natural disasters that devastated crops.
Increase local technical agricultural expertise; create income-generating opportunities through partnership with local sewing collective; and increase women’s leadership through improved ability to contribute resources to family and community needs.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).