In 10 years, 90% of jobs will require digital skills. Syrian refugee children have limited to no possibility to acquire these skills. TSF provides them with a welcoming environment to learn digital skills in an engaging way. No matter what their background is, children can start learning from day one and building the blocks of a brighter future. With COVID-19 significantly hampering educational opportunities, this solution allows Syrian refugee children to continue their learning even remotely.
Around 35% of Syrian refugees are out of school. In some cases they don't speak the language of the host country and have had frequent interruptions in their learning. This makes it hard for them to integrate formal education and makes them prone to the risk of exploitation. Due to the psychological impact of the war, they often experience learning difficulties, introvert behaviours and low self-esteem. The COVID-19 pandemic further worsens their possibilities to receive basic education.
TSF provides Syrian refugee children a welcoming environment where they can learn digital and soft skills, while improving their self-esteem. An environment of creation, collaboration, peer-to-peer knowledge sharing, where they can leave behind the horrors of the war and start a new life. They learn programming, robotics, internet basics or fabrication. Even during COVID-19, they continue to learn remotely, thanks to the provision of tablets, internet data packages and an online platform.
Syrian refugee children acquire basic digital skills they couldn't acquire otherwise, and that will be essential for their future academic and professional careers. They increase their self-esteem thanks to a tailored pedagogical approach and the possibility to be active agents of their learning. They master some basic tools that will help them get out of the poverty cycle in which they're stuck.