Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu

by VOICE Trust
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu
Empower 120 differently abled kids in Tamil Nadu


We have identified 120 differently abled children in the Tiruchirappalli region of Tamil Nadu whose lives could be transformed with simple medical interventions. For these kids, access to physiotherapy, basic medical care, or an assistive device would change everything. A donation to this project gives mobility and independence to a child who cannot walk, education and connection to a child isolated by deafness or learning differences, and a clear mind to a youth afflicted with mental illness.

total goal
monthly donor


Poverty and lack of basic medical care deprive differently abled children of the opportunity to go to school, engage socially, and develop independence. For many, the isolation and indignity that result from total reliance on others is even more devastating than their underlying health conditions. Often, a modest intervention like crutches could transform an entire life. Yet these children are denied a chance to realize their full potential, and are left at the mercy of their circumstances.


This project aims to provide differently abled children with the support they need in order to overcome their limitations. As funding is secured, these kids will receive assistive devices (including wheelchairs, leg braces, and hearing aids), physiotherapy, educational adaptations, and medical care (including medication and mental health counseling). Sometimes all it takes is for our disabilities coordinator to connect a child's family with already-available government services.

Long-Term Impact

These kids will get the opportunity to grow up with pride, and overcome the misery of isolation and dependence. Newfound access to education and socialization will help them to develop alongside their peers, and to eventually achieve employment and independence. Just as importantly, their caregivers will be freed to pursue greater economic security and fuller lives for themselves. This project will help struggling families find lives joy and meaning, and in turn strengthen entire villages.


Organization Information


Location: Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @VOICETrichy
Project Leader:
Janet G. Preethi
Tiruchirpalli , Tamil Nadu India
$13,510 raised of $20,000 goal
187 donations
$6,490 to go
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