Breast cancer currently affects 24 million women in India. Breast cancer detection programs in India are almost non-existent, leaving women at risk. With your help, HERHealthEQ plans to launch a breast cancer screening program, beginning in northern India. Our program trains and equips local providers using our network of medical device companies to offer screening at reduced cost. We aim to ensure that more women have a chance of early breast cancer detection and successful treatment outcomes.
There are no population-based breast cancer screening programs in India. This leaves a massive need for investment in breast cancer prevention. India has 1000 mammography equipment total for a population of 498 million women. In contrast, the US has 65,000+ mammography equipment for 166 million women. Breast cancer cannot be diagnosed easily in India because of a lack of education about how to perform self-exams. Stigma additionally prevents women from accessing screening.
Using the Hum-Nari WayuHealth app, women around India will have the knowledge to perform self breast exams. HERHealthEQ will deploy at least 30 portable units that can change location depending on need. This will begin in the suburbs of Delhi and expand in Northern India and then other areas per the Jhpiego network of community health workers and operational partners. Each unit will be able to screen over 2000 women per year, so the impact is over 100,000 women will benefit in less than 2 years.
Our program would train and equip local providers for breast cancer screening using our network of medical device companies to offer equipment at reduced cost, creating a complete care network that can be scaled across India. This will ensure that more women have a chance of early breast cancer detection and successful treatment outcomes through increasing awareness and access to affordable professional breast cancer screening.