In our ongoing efforts to understand and address the issues of child marriage and teenage pregnancies in Kiruhura District, we sought the invaluable perspectives of various stakeholders within the community. This report provides a summary of what these key figures had to say about these deeply ingrained challenges and the potential solutions.
Stakeholder Perspectives:
Community Leaders
The Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Kiruhura District, expressed concern about the persistence of child marriages in the district.He acknowledge that deeply rooted cultural norms and traditions often pressure families into marrying off their young daughters. He further emphasized the need for community-driven change and the importance of education in challenging these practices. One of the elders also emphazied that drug abuse is the biggest driver of teenage pregnancies in their society, girls are raped and defiled while either on their way from or to school which exposes them to high risks of teenange pregnancies and other underlying disease.
Parents and guardians
Parents and guardians shared their perspectives on the economic hardships they face. Some mentioned that economic challenges lead them to consider marrying off their children as a way to reduce the financial burden. However, there is also a growing realization that education can provide a pathway out of poverty and a more promising future for their children.
Healthcare Workers
A cold chain technician who works with the ministry of Health in Kiruhura district cited the statistic of teenage pregnancies of girls 15-21 years from 2020-2023. He also highlighted a recent case of a 12year girl who was sent to the hospital for contraceptives by the father only to find out it was the father of the little girl that was defiling her, “its sad that in our society today we have increased cases of incest and yet parents are supposed to protect their children” he said . He expressed concern about the risks that teenage pregnancies pose to the health of young girls and identified the need for improved access to reproductive health services, as well as comprehensive sex education to empower adolescents to make informed decisions.
Teachers and school administrators of Sedec Secondary school and Bishops Girls school in Rushere emphasized the critical role of education in reducing child marriage and teenage pregnancies. They believe that keeping children in school and providing mentorship opportunities is key to breaking the cycle. Several teachers also mentioned success stories of girls who excelled academically and have become role models for their peers.
Religious Leaders
Pastor Hampton stated that poverty, domestic violence , child neglect and traditional beliefs where girls are traded for cows are the main drivers of child marriage, he acknowledged the influence they hold within the community as religious leaders and their potential to advocate for change. While he cited religious teachings that oppose early marriages and teenage pregnancies , others admitted that more efforts are needed to challenge traditional practices.
NGO Representatives
The Executive Director of Kiruhura Women in Development highlighted child marriage is a pandemic in the society and there should be holistic approaches. She stressed the need for combined efforts in education, reproductive health services, economic empowerment, and community engagement to bring about lasting change.
The perspectives of these stakeholders in Kiruhura District shed light on the complex web of factors contributing to child marriage and teenage pregnancies. While traditional norms and economic hardships remain significant drivers, there is a growing awareness of the importance of education, reproductive health, and community engagement in addressing these issues.
We encourage donors to delve into this report, as their support is crucial in translating these insights into impactful programs and interventions that effectively combat child marriage.
Thank you for your unwavering interest and support in our mission.