Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls

by Joy for Children-Uganda
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls
Delay Marriage Promote Schooling for Ugandan Girls


Eradicate the harmful practice of child marriage through raising awareness, changing behaviour and empowering communities with the knowledge and tools needed to resist child marriage. Promote the effective implementation of strong laws and policies with a bearing on children especially the girl child and promote the fulfilment of their human rights. Develop and implement human developmental activities such as capacity building and entrepreneurial programs that would mitigate the effects

total goal
monthly donors


In Uganda, 54% of women between 20 and 24 were married by 18, and 12% are married by age 15. In the districts of Kabarole (western) and Butaleja (eastern) Uganda, parents marry off their daughters for money and gifts. Child marriage effectively ends a girl's childhood, curtails her education, increases her risk of domestic violence, and increases early and risky pregnancies. Her lack of education and economic opportunities also mean that her family is more likely to be poor and unhealthy


Families will understand the risks and negative impacts of child marriage through training, community dialogues and distribution of learning materials.Local leaders will be assisted to develop action plans to prevent child marriages, Equip girls' parents with income generating skills and provide them with incentives to keep girls in school, such as one goat for every vulnerable girl's family. Provide girls with scholastic materials and sanitary towels to keep them in school.

Long-Term Impact

Project will delay marriage for at least 3000 girls, help Government develop supportive policies and allocate resources to increase health, education and economic opportunities for married girls and girls at risk of early marriage. Girls are increasingly aware of their rights, Increased knowledge on the dangers of child marriage, young people empowered from the capacity building and entrepreneurship offered hence reducing poverty.


Organization Information

Joy for Children-Uganda

Location: Kampala, Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @joyforchildren
Project Leader:
Joy for Children Uganda
Kampala , Uganda
$75,296 raised of $90,000 goal
1,216 donations
$14,704 to go
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