Project Report
| May 17, 2023
Decent housing for families in Uraba - Colombia
By Comunicaciones Fundacion Apostolado La Aguja | Comunicaciones
La Cristalina breathes a new air, the community shines with its own light, families have smiles on their faces, their souls feel peace, confidence and hope.
Real changes in their lives that mark their present and weave a future where the word HAPPINESS is the great protagonist.
La Cristalina will never forget that in 2023 12 of their families started a new life.
Our purpose, in addition to generating housing solutions, has been to provide 360° accompaniment to the entire community through activities such as:
- Strengthening the sense of belonging and awareness of the potential, limitations and opportunities of the community and its territory and how assertive leadership can enhance their environment.
- Awareness generation for the attendance and permanence in the educational system and delivery of school kits.
- Capacity building through workshops for the improvement of family and community relationships based on respect and dialogue.
- Conduction of training workshops on values, resilience and leadership as the articulating axes for community building.
- Promotion of good treatment as an articulating axis in healthy coexistence and in the construction of healthy lifestyles.
- Training of leaders to replicate the knowledge acquired and ensure a short, medium and long term impact.
- Design and implementation of projects, resource management and regenerative methodologies to improve new forms of community and environmental relations.
- Planting of trees native to the region to promote environmental care.
¡We continue weaving dreams!
Jan 17, 2023
Decent housing for families in Uraba - Colombia
By Fundacion Apostolado La Aguja | Project Leader
The Weaving Urabá, a sea ofopportunities proyect, allows the Fundación Apostolado la Aguja to establish strategic alliances to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable families in Urabá.
Thanks to the sum of wills and donors, in 2022 it was possible to change the reality of 12 families, who now have a new stimulus to move forward, strengthen themselves as members of the household and visualize a better future in the community.
For the years 2023 - 2024 our projection is deliver 31 new homes
Improvement of the living conditions of families from Siete Vueltas in the municipality of San Juan de Urabá, based on a comprehensive intervention that includes housing reconstruction, family strengthening and income generation.
- Families and community committed to the Project.
- The community identifies with its past, to recognize learning and replicate it today.
- The route is built to begin community work and the reconstruction of the social fabric
¡Thank you for making all this posible!
Sep 19, 2022
Decent housing for families in Uraba - Colombia
By Fundacion Apostolado La Aguja | Lider del proyecto
The Weaving Urabá, a sea ofopportunities proyect, allows the Fundación Apostolado la Aguja to establish strategic alliances to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable families in Urabá, Colombia.
Thanks to the sum of wills and donors, in 2021 it was possible to change the reality of 12 families.
This year we will delivered 12 new homes so that families can grow, share and live in decent conditions.
- Construction of 12 healthy, safe and sustainable homes.
- Improvement of family and community coexistence.
- Sustainable tools for managing family and community finances.
- Training in arts and crafts that generate entrepreneurial ideas.
- Installed capacity through leadership training.
- Psychological and familysupport.
- Importance of education for children and youth.
- Raise awareness in the community for the care of the environment.
In 2022 will be delivered 12 new homes. In total, they will be delivered 24 nwe homes to the community, what it represents a reconstruction of the village of a 44%.
¡Thank you for making all this posible!