Creating waste segregation awareness in Bangalore

by Hindu Seva Pratishthana
Creating waste segregation awareness in Bangalore


The recent problems with garbage disposal in Bangalore has made people realise the importance of waste management and segregation. The challenge now is that people are not aware of how to start segregating their household waste. This lack of knowledge is becoming a bottleneck to the solution for waste management in the city. Through this project we plan to spread awareness among people, including the domestic helps, on how to segregate the household waste correctly.

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Bangalore is facing a crisis with regards to waste management. As a solution to this problem, the govt is trying to enforce waste segregation at household level. The challenge here is that people are not aware of how exactly to go about doing this. There is lack of readily available resources or training to help people in this matter.


The project is designed to educate general public (including the domestic helps) on how to segregate household waste. By displaying posters with pictorial representations on waste segregation and by conducting awareness camps at residential areas we will help people overcome their hesitations and start the very essential habit of segregating their household waste.

Long-Term Impact

We plan to reach out to around 15000 plus households directly through this project. We hope the successful implementation of waste segregation in major part of these households will further lead to a cascading effect and thousands more start the practice of waste segregation. Ultimately this will help the authorities resolve the waste management issues and lead to a healthier environment in the city as well as neighbouring towns (where the waste is currently being dumped).

Organization Information

Hindu Seva Pratishthana

Location: Bangalore, Karnataka - India
Project Leader:
Venkatesha Murthy
Bangalore , Karnataka India

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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