COVID 19 Response in Viet Nam

by Centre of Live and Learn for Environment and Community (Live&Learn Vietnam)
COVID 19 Response in Viet Nam


Amidst the nation-wide social distancing period, underprivileged people such as poor university students, garbage collectors or street vendors are left with no job and no income to survive. This project will support underprivileged people in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city with the supply of food and proper protective materials.

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monthly donors


Due to the nation-wide social distancing, needy university students who cannot go back to their hometown are suffering from shortage of food and protective materials. Moreover, underprivileged city dwellers such as garbage collectors and street vendors who are left with no income to survive are also the most vulnerable, as they have no work, facing risk of starvation and contagion. This project will support such needy people who reside in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.


This project will provide food such as rice, instant noodles and proper protective materials like face masks, hand wash to underprivileged people who are residing in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city in the nation-wide social distancing. The supply is to support them during and after this lockdown period.

Long-Term Impact

The supply of food and protective materials will help the vulnerable portion of the society , i.e. needy university students, underprivileged city dwellers to overcome this period. The support is not only for providing chances for them to survive and settle down through difficult time but also for bringing them trust in the community, sharing and compassion.


Organization Information

Centre of Live and Learn for Environment and Community (Live&Learn Vietnam)

Location: Hanoi - Vietnam
Facebook: Facebook Page
Van Nguyet Do
Project Leader:
Van Nguyet Do
Hanoi , Vietnam

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