The COVID - 19 has sadly impacted vulnerable communities in rural Sindh and specifically in areas where people have none to zero facilities to buy supplies during current lock down. In such an emergency, we are requesting your urgent support in providing donation for food packages for families in the 7 district areas in rural Sindh. Your support will ensure a sustainence of food supplies for 8,500 vulnerable families especially children affected by the sudden shut downs in rural Sindh.
The COVID - 19 pandemic has widely impacted Pakistan and a large number of communities in rural Sindh are highly at risk as working facilities and supplies have been stalled due to severe shut down for over a month now. The Primary Education Project org in this unprecedented time is seeking to provide for vulnerable communities, and with your support, we will be able to provide for more than 7000 families in seven district areas of rural Sindh, Pakistan.
Primary Education Project (PEP) is providing food packages and medical assistance to areas where currently PEP schools are running. The people living in those communities are upto 8,500 families that belong to seven district areas of rural Sindh. With the food packages provided to these vulnerable families we are ensuring continuous food and medical supplies that are sustaining the families for upto 3 weeks or more in this time of sudden shut downs.
The project is ensuring the long term support of these families belonging to rural communities and providing immediate relief to sustain their health overtime in the long term. Children especially will have an access to good health and will be able to continue their studies without any roadblocks because of the COVID - 19 situations that are rapidly changing everyday. Partner with us today to ensure well being of vulnerable families, and especially children in the rural Sindh.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).