Covid-19 affects us all in some way but for those without a safety net it is even more life-threatening. Rwanda is currently in its third major lockdown since the start of the pandemic. Our EDD community is struggling to make ends meet at this time. Many of our Alumni (both staff and former street children who grew up in our centre) as well as their families have lost their jobs or sources of income. This project will help provide basic food and essential supplies to these vulnerable families.
Many of our alumni and some former staff have lost their source of income due to the pandemic. The lockdowns, have resulted in a reduction in trade and tourism. This means that many businesses and other organisations have been forced to lay-off their employees temporarily or permanently in the case of closure. With no income coming in, this community and their families have been adversely affected as they struggle to pay their for their rent, food, medicine and basic supplies.
We would like to secure funds to purchase enough food to be safely delivered to the former street children and their families, EDD former staff, as well as Covid patients in our community who were food-providers for their families but currently unable to work for their households.
By feeding these youth and their families we are able to keep them alive and safe while contributing to the government's efforts to curb the pandemic. Also by feeding COVID patients and their families, we will not only help them for quick recovery but also will be protecting the entire community from spreading COVID-19.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).