Through this project, you can provide essential food items and Health Kits to poor and marginalised families in rural areas. These people are largely neglected and have little access to Covid related treatment and care. This campaign can help provide basic nutrition and vitamin and mineral tablets, dry fruits along with sanitary products like masks, gloves and sanitizers. We are also providing Grocery Packets to beneficiaries from vulnerable communities like sex workers, transgenders etc.
The Second Wave of Coronavirus is spreading like a wildfire in India. The entire health infra is in disarray. While Covid infected people are finding it difficult to get treatment in hospitals in cities, there are many more people in rural areas who are silently suffering from Covid19. Infection has forced them to stay at home with no income. People like sex workers, transgenders, truck/auto drivers etc., HIV/AIDS and Cancer patients etc are not able to get food as there is no livelihood
Groceries will help them provide sufficient nutrition and ensure speedy recovery. 1. It ensures one month's food supplies for a family 2. People infected with HIV / AIDS have a stable immune system 3. Children and the elderly get nutritious food and improves immunity 4. Stress towards livelihood is reduced during lockdown 5. Unnecessary outdoor visits are avoided during the epidemic
This project will save many poor families from starvation as well as help them recover from Covid19 and get back to leading a normal life. We will be able save them from slipping into extreme poverty.