Computers for Pathway Students in Africa is a powerful project directed by The Lord's Hands, a humanitarian NGO based in Democratic Republic of Congo. Responding to the desperate need of BYU-Pathway Worldwide students throughout Africa for computers capable of completing university-level courses, The Lord's Hands awards refurbished computers to students through a competition. Students, who would have to withdraw due to inadequate equipment and no funds, are enabled to graduate and lift others.
Over 8000 African students participated in BYU-Pathway Worldwide in 2021! A big step forward, BUT due to few jobs (90% unemployment!) and extreme poverty, students cannot afford equipment required for the next university courses. Imagine doing Excel, programming, advanced writing, and PowerPoint on old, semi-smart phones! Struggling to buy food and pay rent, students become discouraged and fall behind due to technological challenges. They have vision, ability, and grit but lack essential tools.
The Lord's Hands awards refurbished computers to Pathway students through 3 yearly competitions based on grades, personal video, and essay. The computers enable students to complete Pathway, then earn 2 certificates important to potential employers, an Associate Degree, and a Bachelor's Degree from an American university. The required repayment is service to winners' communities. In the January 2021 competition, 15 computers were awarded, 63 in April, and 101 in August! Our January goal: 200!
Courageous, driven students, from the 28 countries served by Pathway, are enabled to complete their educational goals and become part of the digital revolution. Their education will lift all---changing lives, communities, and impacting future generations. Becoming leaders in their countries, students will "pay back" for the rest of their lives, yielding great returns on donors' investments. Invest in people. Invest in Africa! (The Lord's Hands supports but is not affiliated with BYU-Pathway.)
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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