This project will produce an open source tangible and digital dissemination toolkit that offers communities an educational and methodological resource for participatory planning, organization, and design for them to facilitate their own community projects. Our goal is to produce 150 Community Toolkits islandwide.
Frontline communties in Puerto Rico are constantly excluded from desicion-making processes that directly impact the spaces they inhabit. Unregulated, excessive, and unconscious public planning and design leaves out the voices and needs from these communities, resulting in displacement, marginalization, racism, and injustice.
Learning from our projects, past citizen movements, and their victories towards justice, we created The Community Toolkit. This dissemination tool will offer communities an educational and methodological resource for participatory design, planning, and organizing to facilitate their own community projects and movements. It includes guides for carrying out Community Mapping, Imaginary Workshops, Community Processes, Collaborative Projects and Narrative Justice Storytelling.
With this toolkit, community groups will be able to identify resources and needs, facilitate collective communication, design changes, develop work plans, form teams and narrate their stories of empowerment. This will aid in promoting participatory decision-making processes to include the voice and needs of Puertorican communities in public planning and design. Lastly, our long term impact goal is disseminating this tool for communities worldwide.
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