15,000 trees to combat desertification in Ethiopia

by WeForest
15,000 trees to combat desertification in Ethiopia


This project aims to restore dry afromontane forests in the Tigray region of Ethiopia. The goal is to combat adverse climate change effects and build community resilience against droughts and climate events. To help conserve and restore the diminishing forests, community members are trained in tree nursery management and sustainable forestry practices, and they are given the opportunity to take part in sustainable livelihood activities.

total raised
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For many decades, Ethiopia has been suffering from land degradation driven by increased human use of land and unsustainable agricultural practices. Animal grazing and the collection of firewood for domestic cooking and charcoal conversion have caused swathes of Ethiopia's forests to disappear. With less tree cover and protection against erosion, soil is eroded and washed away. This has lead to food security issues and a concern of the well-being of the local communities.


The project aims to convert degraded lands back into functional productive forests, with an emphasis on biodiversity, soil rejuvenation and water conservation. Local villages are empowered to engage in profitable and sustainable livelihood activities such as bee-keeping, sustainable harvesting of animal feed from the forest and sustainable forest management.

Long-Term Impact

The project is expected to expand the biomass cover, stabilize soils, conserve local biodiversity and improve food and income security for the communities of Tigray.


Organization Information


Location: Brussels - Belgium
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @WeForest_org
Project Leader:
Maurah Van Impe
Overijse , Belgium

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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