Choose Love

by Choose Love
Choose Love


Choose Love does whatever it takes to provide refugees and displaced people with everything from lifesaving search and rescue boats to food and legal advice. We elevate the voices and visibility of refugees and galvanize public support for agile community organizations providing vital support to refugees along migration routes globally.

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Over 117 million people around the world were newly-displaced in 2023 alone. The global refugee crisis, caused by anything from natural disaster to political violence, puts millions of people in vulnerable and unsafe situations, often at no fault of their own. Basic human rights affected by the refugee crisis include food, water, shelter, healthcare, education or employment, and physical safety.


We work globally to serve where the need is greatest, find the local organizations doing the most effective work, and give them what they need to help people- whether that's funding, material aid, or volunteer work. We support with search and rescue missions, provide vital medical care, necessary goods and clean water, and aid in providing access to shelter or resettlement along with local integration.

Long-Term Impact

In 9 years of operation, we have supported over 3 million people and raised over $35 million for refugee aid. This alone is already leading to the long-term impact of entire lives saved and supported, which changes lives for generations. Additionally, our approach to aid is transforming and pushing the awareness and aid for the refugee crisis.


Organization Information

Choose Love

Location: London - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @hhtp://chooselove
Project Leader:
Josie Naughton
London , London United Kingdom
$0 raised of $99,000 goal
0 donations
$99,000 to go
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