The Fund provides emergency shelter, food, and medical care for children orphaned or separated from their families, also temporary or long-term foster care or, if needed, temporary institutional care.
Half the Sky Foundation and China's Ministry of Civil Affairs (the government agency responsible for disaster relief) have set up a Childrenas Earthquake Fund that will provide direct aid to the thousands of children in welfare institutions and in the community who are suffering in the wake of devastating earthquakes in Sichuan Province and Chongqing. Donations will be used to provide emergency and long-term relief to children affected by the disaster.
Through Half the Skyas Childrenas Earthquake Fund, donations will be used to provide emergency and long-term relief to children affected by the disaster, including emergency shelter, food, and medical care.
The focus of HTS activities is to provide emergency relief as well temporary or long-term foster care or, when necessary, temporary institutional care for the children orphaned or separated from their families during the quake.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).