The Mobile Telecenter is giving access to and training on ICT skills to families, NGOs and small businesses that are struggling to get back on their feet several months after an earthquake hit Chile.
Several Months after an 8.8 earthquake hit the south and central parts of Chile, communications are among the most urgent needs. In the areas most affected, people, NGOs and small businesses are still trying to get back on their feet. The project is giving the Chileans communication access and training NGOs and small bussiness owners on ICT skills, in order to make their efforts more productive and efficient. The project also aims to raise funds to restore NGOs' IT Infrastructure.
Primarily this project will give access to communications through the internet to over 2.000 people in different towns of Chile, establishing exchange of information between victms and NGOs. Secondly it will replace NGOs' destroyed IT equipment.
In establishing communication, the project will help the victms of the earthquake to get aid. In addition, providing IT equipment will put NGOs back on track, making it possible to them get back to work.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Excel file (projdoc.xls).