This project provides women & families with greater choices for controlling their reproductive health, which translates to more sustainability for the degraded environment of Kenya & its wildlife.
A woman living in the northern Kenyan regions of Laikipia or Samburu is likely to give birth to an average of 4.9 babies. This leads to widespread famine, competition and violence, as well as unsafe abortions and infanticide. Families have very few options to improve their lives or live off a sustainable environment, and are presently just falling deeper into poverty with their environment being over utilized.
By providing affordable contraceptive choices and education, CHAT is reaching out to offer alternative long term, sustainable means to help mitigate the situation and provide a chance to be able to plan for a sustainable future – and environment.
Providing communities with FP is a preventative measure that has widespread long term effects. FP directly fights poverty, but also impacts environmental issues such as land degradation, access to clean water & food, as well as wildlife conservancy.