At Nucleo, we believe every child should have the opportunity to learn music. We bring young people together to create change for themselves and their communities through collective music-making. We offer a free, immersive, ensemble-based music education programme for children and young people aged 0-20. We are the only programme in London that offers ongoing free music education on orchestral instruments, and this benefits around 400 young people each year.
We're in a community where many children cannot access paid-for opportunities that help improve their quality of life, and the Cost of Living is deepening these inequalities. Unfortunately access to music education in the UK can be heavily dependent on a family's financial situation. 70% of our students are from some of the most deprived neighbourhoods in the UK. The need for our programme is so great and the impact so life-changing, that sadly we have 250 children on our waitlist at any time.
Nucleo provides FREE access to music education and instruments - removing barriers that many young people face, particularly during the Cost of Living crisis. Children from all backgrounds are welcome, building more connected communities and providing lifelong skills and a future of endless potential. Your kindness can provide a much sought-after place in our inclusive Nucleo orchestra to those on our growing waitlist and help spread the joy of music.
Nucleo's ultimate goal for our students is that they leave us with more opportunities and a greater array of choices, feel empowered and have the soft skills to pursue their life ambitions to the highest level. Whether music becomes a future full-time career or a skill that fulfils their leisure-time, we believe that the more equipped young people are with learning and life skills the greater freedom they will have to build any life, and any future community, they choose for themselves.
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