A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives

by Movimiento de Apoyo a Menores Abandonados, MAMA A.C.
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives
A powerful approach to change 46 children's lives


46 children and their families want to break the poverty spiral and reduce the negative impact it has on their physical and mental health. They live in (extreme) poverty, and to survive they work on the street in solidarity with their families. Due to lack of resources - economic, educational, and socio-emotional - and harsh environments, their mental health is at risk. To improve the dynamics within the homes, our two psychologists attend the families, to help them create dignified lives.

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46 children grow up in environments that threaten their mental and physical health. Their parents struggle to cover everyday spendings to assure their children the most basic level of security - rent, bills, food, and medicine. They have had harsh and traumatic upbringings themselves. As a result, they have a hard time providing a safe, respectful, and loving space for their children to grow up in. They lack skills and resources to change this unhealthy environment, where violence is normalised.


The family will be attended as a unit and individually, to support them and stand by their site in creating appropriate environments for human development. They will receive family & individual therapy - both children and adults - to enhance their existing abilities and strengthen as persons and units. The parents will improve their skills to assure healthier homes, attending to the violent behaviour. The children will learn to recognise their own violent conduct, to create healthier relations.

Long-Term Impact

Working with their socio-emotional abilities, they improve their mental health. The parents' level of violence will be reduced, and as a result, the children's risk of developing psycho-emotional illnesses will decrease. By creating healthier environments for the children, they are more likely become a good friend, partner, and parent. Creating safe, respectful, and caring homes and reducing the level of violence they live in, helps them create dignified futures and better lives for themselves.


Organization Information

Movimiento de Apoyo a Menores Abandonados, MAMA A.C.

Location: Guadalajara, Jalisco - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Louise Brams Vinther
Guadalajara , Jalisco Mexico
$1,435 raised of $8,000 goal
8 donations
$6,565 to go
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