Coolest Projects USA is a showcase event for young people who make things with technology. At Coolest Projects, young makers bring projects to share with fellow creators and the public, and they explore each others' work. Outstanding entries can win awards in different categories. All Coolest Projects events are free to enter and free to attend, giving more people the opportunity to become inspired to create with technology. The next Coolest Projects USA will be in Santa Ana, CA on March 23.
For kids in the United States, there are plenty of opportunities to celebrate field goals and touchdowns, but there aren't enough opportunities to celebrate their creativity, technology skills, inventiveness, and entrepreneurship. Kids who are interested in creating things with technology need to be provided with encouragement to pursue their passion and an event where they can collaborate with their like-minded peers.
Coolest Projects is a global event that celebrates kids' accomplishments with technology. Whether they've created a website, mobile app, invention, or game, kids can share what they make. Coolest Projects is also an opportunity for youth to share their work with like-minded kids, industry professionals, and the general public. The event's focus on projects means that young people are motivated to learn about technology by creating something that is meaningful to them.
Coolest Projects serves as a culminating celebration event for year-round extracurricular coding clubs such as CoderDojo and Code Club; it's a means to encourage youth to progress with their learning and their creations. Jobs of the future will increasingly rely on 21st-century skills, especially technology literacy - Coolest Projects motivates kids to pursue their passion for technology and expand their skills.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).