The Community COVID Housing Program (CCHP) is a transformative plan that will rebuild the lives of 5,000 people over the next 2 years. The CCHP will focus on multiple strategies including Housing, Diversion and Mental Health Case Management. This program will permanently house people who are currently experiencing literal homelessness (e.g., living in shelters, encampments or on the streets) as well as those who may fall into homelessness as a result of the economic effects of the coronavirus.
For people experiencing homelessness, housing is healthcare. Because of underlying health conditions and lack of access to facilities, people experiencing homelessness are more susceptible to COVID.The most effective public health response to reduce the community spread of COVID among people experiencing homelessness - and others - and reduce high-cost emergency services is to ensure that everyone has a safe, permanent home.*Donations to this program will be designated to the CCHP General Fund
The interventions will be targeted not only for those already experiencing homelessness but will be available for people who fall into homelessness as a result of the pandemic. The CCHP will provide our community with an unprecedented opportunity to transform our local homeless response system & get ahead of future demand for housing & homeless services due to the expected economic impact of COVID-19. Our goal is to help our clients thrive in their new home and provide them with tools to succeed
Our goal for this plan is to not only help accelerate housing & streamline services for individuals experiencing homelessness but also divert people from falling into homelessness. Ultimately our long-term vision is to set a path to a safe home for anyone experiencing homelessness. A key outcome for this program is to lay the bricks on the foundation we have set, so that if anyone falls into homelessness in our region their experience would be rare, brief, & non-recurring.
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