Our project will help over 100 unpaid carers that are looking after someone in the last years of their life. It is the only project providing specialist support for this group. This includes intensive ongoing support to help carers set up advanced care plans that include having a will in place and help to manage stress and emotional fatigue. With your help we will be able to continue this important work.
3 in 5 of us will take on a caring role at some point in our lives. Although many see this as a duty, it can have a considerable impact on all areas of our lives and commonly result in leaving friends, relationships, and careers behind. Understandably, people looking after a loved one approaching the end of their life are subject to an emotional roller coaster of caring, trying to enjoy their remaining time together with the person they care for, alongside planning for a very different future.
This project supports this group of carers with the dedicated support they need. This includes help to manage the stress and emotional fatigue of their role. It is the only project of its kind in the country and the demand for this work has consistently outstripped our expectations. We are asking for your help to allow us to continue this important work from October 2017. Together we can ensure that carers looking after a loved in their later years isn't left to cope alone.
The project will have a significant impact on the lives of those we support. Talking about the end of a person's life can be difficult and it is common for people to close up and ignore it. Through helping carers to talk about their situation and take necessary action, cares have reduced levels of stress and anxiety about the future and are able to concentrate on enjoying the time together with their loved one.