An average American generates 16 tons of CO2 emissions per year. Carbon offsetting enables us to mitigate our emissions by implementing sustainable solutions elsewhere. Help support our cause by installing home solar systems to replace toxic and highly pollutive kerosene lamps and paraffin candles. The Appropriate Technology works to bring light to rural Guatemala in direct collaboration with the community. This reduces emissions during environmental crises while changing families' lives.
Human emissions cause climate change. The global average temperature is over 1C hotter than typical, causing irreversible effects to the global ecosystem. The year 2023 marked the hottest in recorded history, with life-threatening consequences. In the coming decades, many crises will cause millions to become climate refugees. Guatemala, Latin America's 3rd poorest nation, lacks basic infrastructure like electricity in rural areas. Together, we can offset CO2 by bringing clean energy to families.
Un-electrified Guatemalan homes rely on ineffective, expensive candles and kerosene lamps at night, emitting potent greenhouse gases. Each converted household saves us from 1 additional ton of CO2 emissions annually. Recently, we've incorporated water filter installation during solar panel trips, providing resources the nation's infrastructure lacks. Simultaneously installing multiple items ensures the trek to remote areas is worthwhile, recognizing the impact on these families' lives.
This project aims for lasting, sustainable change. Solar LED lighting systems need a simple battery change after 5 years, with panels and LEDs lasting up to 10 years. Water filter installations with solar panels greatly benefit families. A positive cascade begins: families avoid waterborne disease, women use the lights while weaving fabric for supplemental income, and children have light for homework, helping them stay in school longer. Our collective efforts remove CO2 and create opportunity.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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