PURPOSE OF PROJECT: To save lives of children in Nigeria, Africa and this facility will be open to other children in all of Africa. Many children in Nigeria and many other parts of Africa die unnecessarily before reaching the age of adolescence. These children die because of lack of care, especially lack of good healthcare. Diseases such as Malaria, Cholera, Diarrhea, Typhoid, and many other serious diseases which are often endemic in tropical Africa, claim the lives of many of these children.
This appalling situation is due to many factors: 1. There are no hospitals exclusively for the healthcare of children in most countries in Africa, including Nigeria and other countries in West Africa. T 2. Most Hospitals (even general hospitals) are often too far from children. Before a sick child can be rushed to the nearest hospital or clinic, it is already too late. 3. Medicines are often in very short supply. 4. Qualified healthcare specialists are too few in most of the African countries
Work to be done: - To survey the building and make it fit for purpose - Building project - Satisfy local government regulations to change residence to Medical hospital - use of local laywers To help in planning ut the strategy and the running of the wellness center
To create partnership with corporate organization and educational institutions - to obtain regular funding, medical equipment and furniture, rotational foreign doctors. Obtain national and interantion recognition to allow for more aid from external bodies
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