Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs are a highly effective means of strengthening society by ensuring that its individual members live up to their full potential. Children who participate in these programs tend to be more successful later in school, are more competent socially and emotionally and show better verbal, intellectual and physical development than children who are not enrolled in such quality programs.
Many children have no access to early childhood education. This means when they get to school they often have no reading or writing skills. Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs are a highly effective means of strengthening society by ensuring that its individual members live up to their full potential.
Children who participate in these programs tend to be more successful later in school, are more competent socially and emotionally and show better verbal, intellectual and physical development than children who are not enrolled in such quality programs.
Higher intelligence scores Higher and timelier school enrollment Less grade repetition and lower dropout rates Higher school completion rates Improved nutrition and health status Improved social and emotional behaviour Improved parent-child relationship Increased earning potential and economic self-sufficiency as an adult Increased female labor force participation
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).