Project Report
| Oct 18, 2024
A New Stage for New Shows
By Karl F Weyrauch | Project Manager
New Stage in Cyaruzinge
The new meeting rooms have provided space for extracurricular activities that have energized both students and parents. Group rehearsals are held for boys and girls learning to play the traditional wooden flutes, called “Amakondera.” Evening literacy classes for parents help them master skills helpful in business and for adapting to a changing Rwandan society outside the village.
And now with the newly completed stage in front of the meeting rooms in the center of the village, as shown in the photo, the performers can use the meeting rooms to assemble, check their costumes and instruments, and warm up for the big show. Once again, the space is being put to effective use to build new opportunities for artistic and economic progress.
Jul 4, 2024
Meeting Room Put to Good Use
By Perrilee Pizzini | Project Manager
Deworming Medicine
It is wonderful to have the new meeting rooms- HDI - Health Development Initiative, our partner organization, has been able to use the space for additional classes to help young adults learn about sexual health and reproductive education, known as the SHARE program. This program has been very well recieved by youth and their families.
The room has been an efficient place to provide both childhood immunizaiotns and vitamin D supplements by health workers from the local health center. All the younger children have received deworming medication, too. The communty health worker is holding up a large supply of a de-worming medicine donated by the Ministry of Health.
Nurses have also tested for signs of malnutrition by measuring height and weight of the children. Students are being monitored to watch for possible signs of protein and calorie deficiencies that can slow their normal rate of growth and development. This is a wonderful use of the space, and a great way to support healthy kids!
Giving Childhood Immunizations
Mar 21, 2024
Expanding on Health, Education,
By Perrilee Pizzini | Project Manager
PSA Helping Hand
Building Meeting and Multipurpose Room - This project has been very successful with adding 5 rooms over the past year. They now have 2 of the new rooms as classrooms, dividing up the 156 students into 3 different groups. With over 50 students per class, the workload is a bit more manageable for the three teachers. Teh other rooms are used for storage and office space.
The contribution of dozens of new books has added to the fun of learning how to recognize the letters of the alphabet. The students are performing amazingly well, and even teaching lessons to their parents, for example, how to brush teeth!
The parents have discovered new pride in the success of their children and that helps create happy families. Thank you to all our donors for making this joyful progress possible.