Build a house where 10 boys will become men

by Hands United
Build a house where 10 boys will become men
Build a house where 10 boys will become men
Build a house where 10 boys will become men
Build a house where 10 boys will become men
Build a house where 10 boys will become men
Build a house where 10 boys will become men
Build a house where 10 boys will become men
Build a house where 10 boys will become men
Build a house where 10 boys will become men
Build a house where 10 boys will become men


20% of the confirmed human trafficking cases reported in GA in 2017 were males. There is no comprehensive restorative housing program available for those that have been victimized by human trafficking. This project will allow us to break ground on a group home that will house 10 boys, under the age of 18. Along with having a safe place to call home, each resident will participate in a holistic program, working to restore every aspect of their well-being.

total raised
monthly donors


20% of the confirmed human trafficking cases reported in GA in 2017 were males. According to the Polaris Project, the average age of entry into the industry is 11-13 for boys. Although there are many restorative housing programs available, there is a limited number serving boys. Due to the severe trauma at such a young age, a holistic approach alongside counseling and therapy has been proven to be the most effective.


Hands United will provide a holistic restorative program within a residential environment with services such as; nutrition and wellness, school curriculum using the VARK model(tailored to each resident's learning style), specialized therapy treatments, job and skills training, career planning, professional and customer service etiquette, and many more. Residents are able to rebuild their development skills in a healthy way, reducing the probability of their return to the trafficking industry.

Long-Term Impact

This project will provide restorative housing programs for 10 boys, at a time, over the span of 24 months. We will work with them to restore and rebuild areas of development such as; physical, mental, emotional, and social. Preparing the residents to re-enter the community with sustainable skills, talents, and coping mechanisms to utilize in the work force and at home. The avg. return rate to the industry is 7 times, and our program strives to reduce that number with life-altering opportunities.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

Hands United

Location: Roswell, GA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Hands United
Tatyana Ferguson
Project Leader:
Tatyana Ferguson
Roswell , GA United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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