"Breaking the barriers for the physically disabled" is a self help organization founded by Damodaran, a man who is testimony to the organization's name. In spite of a debilitating physical disability he works in one of the prominent slum areas of Chennai, India.Damodaran is not only training underprivileged children in their academics, he is also improving their lives from social and family perspectives.The project seeks to train these children in spoken English and help them in their academics.
An estimated one billion people worldwide live in slums. Many of the children will drop out of school to become child laborers, forced by family situations. The Damodaran project will help these children to get back to their school, also help them in their academics. A major challenge lies in assisting them in overcoming their financial hurdles by setting up an income generation project, making them self sustainable.
The project would provide: - English language training to the physically disabled children. - Help them in their academics. - Create awareness on health and hygiene in the slum area where the majority of the population still live under unhygienic conditions that result in serious health hazards such as malaria, typhoid,and dengue.
These underprivileged children in the developing world are often denied equal access to education and technology. Our programs will break the invisible barriers to employment and equality of opportunity, giving them dignity and independence.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).