Brazil Flooding - Rescuing Education

by APUSA - Associacao Polo Universitario Santo Antonio
Brazil Flooding - Rescuing Education
Brazil Flooding - Rescuing Education
Brazil Flooding - Rescuing Education
Brazil Flooding - Rescuing Education


South Brazil has been tragically hit by unprecedent flooding, with over 400 cities and 2,3M people impacted. People living in temporary shelters are now traumatized even by the noise of rain. Schools have been destroyed. This project prioritizes children education and mom-baby support. With efforts on rebuilding schools and infant support, we believe on the importance to offer for thousands of kids impacted a smoother access back to their education, technology and mental health.

total goal
monthly donors


In the worst flood of state of Rio Grande do Sul, kids are having their childhood severely disrupted by loosing their homes, their toys, their pets, their little notebook memories and supplies for school. The destruction left by these floods will require Institutions and households extensive repairs, cleaning and most importantly, time to heal. The impact on the education system is causing a social development crisis and can cost years to recover.


APUSA in partnering with selected organizations and communities to focus resources prioritizing children education and mom-baby support. Rebuilding losses on several public schools. Offering digital solutions to help kids access education tools remotely; First aid support for families with infants who lost their homes and all resources for infant care; Back to school support - required supplies for continued education

Long-Term Impact

The long term impact of this project aims to relief and reduce the long tail effect of the climate disaster on the youngest generations. We believe that by strengthening education access and focusing on child support, we will help over 10.000 kids recover from their lost, return to school and ease their mental health.


Organization Information

APUSA - Associacao Polo Universitario Santo Antonio

Location: Santo Antonio da Patrulha, RS - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
APUSA- Associacao PoloSAP
Santo Antonio da Patrulha , RS Brazil

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