The concept of light-truth, empowerment, education, teaching life skills through classes for women and Mexican youth has guided HHWT since our beginnings 14 years ago. Each year HHWT sets out to create a learning environment for our students that prepares them to lead-to be the light. To accomplish this tall task, we renewed our strategic plan to enhance the student experience with an improved campus.
The under-served Mexican women with children, girls and boys do not have access to quality education or they can't afford it. The HHWT 5-year capital campaign to purchase and an improved campus that will be able to meet the needs of our community with a more modern and welcoming facility. Without a well-rounded proper education and life skills, it's almost impossible to seek gainful employment or pursue higher education.
Central to Be the light! Is the purchase and improvement of our facility to enhance the inclusive educational experience of our students. HHWT is working to secure more ways for students and their families to gain life skills and to transition out of poverty. We will continue to invest in areas that has always distinguished HHWT such as classes for women with children to empower them. They are the most needed group for a step up in life. This resulted in a recent addition of basic CAD classroom.
We are providing innovation and life skills to our students as they enter a new phrase of life. The power of learning by doing where local communities are forever changed. If you care about empowerment, engagement, bridging the gap, achieving dreams, feeding a brain, surpassing hurdles, empowering women, girls and boys. " We invite you to partner with HHWT to be the light!". Thank You for your generous GlobalGiving Donation.
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