Barmwony Primary School, Oyam, Uganda

by Visions for Children e.V.
Barmwony Primary School, Oyam, Uganda


The Barmwony Primary School is located in an economically very weak area of Uganda. A missing electricity and water supply, the poor conditions of the sanitary facilities and an acute lack of space in the classrooms make a concentrated learning atmosphere impossible for the around 1.253 students. For this reason, new latrines, a hand washing facility and a new school building were built. However, as the school's needs are still great, a follow-up project has started in February 2022.

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Before the construction of the new school building with an integrated water supply, new latrines and a hand washing facility, the learning conditions at Barmwony were catastrophic. There were only 7 classrooms for all students, which led to classes with an average of 180 pupils. This and the only 9 latrines available made an educational and hygienic school attendance almost impossible. Although we've already been able to significantly improve the situation, our work is not done yet!


After the completion of the originally planned constructions in October 2021, a follow-up project has started in February 2022: The seven classrooms that are still in disrepeair are being renovated and ten additional latrines with an integrated washroom for girls are being built. These additional measures are intended to further improve the learning conditions and to reduce absences from school (which are particularly common among girls during their period) as well as drop-out rates.

Long-Term Impact

The project will provide around 1.253 students with a healthier learning environment. In order to maintain the progress, several committes (such as the WASH committee) will be set up in order to transfer responsibility for the maintenance and control of the sanitary facilities to the students. In addition to that, the school management committee will be trained through a workshop on how to effectively request help from the education authorities. Thus, ownership can be created.


Organization Information

Visions for Children e.V.

Location: Hamburg - Germany
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Vanessa Gobert
Hamburg , Hamburg Germany

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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