Equip 2500 middle school Egyptian students & 50 teachers from 25 government schools with the first anti-sexual abuse curriculum. This will help improve the quality of life for Egyptian women & girls through the creation of safe neighborhoods free from violence. In training 2500 students, the project will have reached approximately 50% of students, allowing them to act as ambassadors to the other students. This gives them the opportunity to become part of a larger solution in their community
Sexual harassment is a daily reality in Egypt. 2008 study 86.2% & 34% married women, 99% & 37.4% unmarried female youth respectively reported incidences of verbal & sexual harassment. This curriculum aims to intercept children at a young age to instill anti-abuse values, allowing them to refuse, advocate and report sexual abuse. Research shows it takes 18-224 days to change behavior. The curriculum is slowly teaching new habits, overwriting existing habits: by repetition over the school year
Address & promote positive change among target group, leading to informed decision making, modified behavior, adopt appropriate practices at individual, family & community levels; Building a movement to stigmatize harasser; Stimulate increased & sustained demand for violence prevention; Develop skills for both direct & indirect intervention keeping bystander's safety in mind; Increase sense of responsibility for creating change in one's community &commit to playing a role in decreasing violence
The project will train 1500 female students, 1000 male students and 500 teachers causing a ripple effect in the community, Raising the public profile of the anti sexual abuse curriculum program on the local selected community level and on the national level (if achieved this will strongly support the replication of the Make Them Aware: Protect Them model in other geographical areas in Egypt) Mobilize support from Government, civil society, religious leaders, opinion leaders and public.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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