World-renowned spiritual leader, humanitarian and visionary Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, also lovingly known as "Amma," has served the world-community for decades, spreading the message of love and compassion through her teachings, presence, and numerous humanitarian projects. The humanitarian organisation led by Amma -- Embracing the World -- works in a wide range of focus areas, including disaster relief, women empowerment, environmental protection and providing the needy with food etc.
Amma visited Copenhagen for the first time in 2018, and her message was embraced by more than 7,000 people during the two days of the event. We are very pleased to inform you that Amma will be visiting Copenhagen for the second time from October 22-23, 2019. Proceeds from the event go to help the charitable programmes of Embracing the World.
We, the volunteers of Amma Denmark, are currently raising funds to cover the rent of the venue and the stage needed for the programme. Any donations you offer will be used to help us in organizing the event and in reaching out in service to people from disadvantaged sections of societies. Thanking you for your cooperation.
Amma has been a keynote speaker at world platforms such as the UN and Parliament of World's Religions, and has been awarded the numerous prizes such as the Gandhi King Peace for Nonviolence and the John Parks Morton Interfaith Award. Through her extraordinary acts of love, inner strength and self-sacrifice, Amma has inspired charity projects in more than 40 countries. This worldwide humanitarian movement (ETW) is expanding day by day, as more and more people feel inspired by Amma's example.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).