The ambulance service in Bangladesh will continue to provide specialized referral services to 3873 acid survivors, ensuring they receive timely treatment and support. This is crucial to their well-being and serves as an inspiration to support survivors and ensure they have access to the resources needed to heal and lead fulfilling lives.
Referral Care Ambulance Services is at risk of closure due to the outdated and expensive-to-maintain vehicle. Acid Survivors Foundation cannot afford to maintain the brittle ambulance or purchase a new one, which could lead to potential layoffs of female driver and impede progress in women's empowerment. Therefore, acquiring a new ambulance is crucial to continue providing referral medical services to poverty-stricken acid survivors' needs and to maintain our commitment to women's empowerment
In Bangladesh, there are 3,873 individuals who have fallen victim to acid attacks. On average, the Acid Survivors Foundation provides ambulance services to more than 100 acid survivor patients annually. Ambulance service plays a critical role in supporting acid attack survivors by facilitating their transportation to access specialized hospitals, where they can receive the necessary medical care and treatment tailored to their specific needs. These services ensure timely and safe transportation
The provision of prompt and efficient emergency medical assistance by ambulance services can significantly contribute to the physical and emotional recuperation of survivors. This well-timed support provides aid and reduces the likelihood of long-term physical and psychological consequences, ultimately enhancing their quality of life. Additionally, it serves to generate awareness by promoting prevention measures against acid attacks and supporting better economic opportunities for acid survivors
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).