FCDA, is poised to working with 60 IDPs who are willing to engage in farming activities by cultivating potatoes, cassava, yam and maize in 20,000sq. m (2 Hectare) of land in Bertoua for a period of 1 (one) year from August 2022 to July 2023. We hope to move geometrically the total land to be cultivated annually. Apart from securing income for themselves, they will also have the opportunities to be food sufficient and advance their education initiatives around modern farm techniques.
Amid COVID 19, increasing global turmoil and acute climatic changes which has also exacerbated the current difficulties of the IDPs who lack the necessary support, it therefore reveals that action is needed immediately. Farming is part of the culture of this population and about 5,000 IDPs have relocated to Bertoua, Cameroon without income generating activities. What is quite intriguing is the fact that the market is buoyant and prices for food are soaring in the global market
We shall also disseminate our IDPs system map to targeted corporate and other institutions so as to demonstrated to the world on the availability of a working solution in a bid to enhance financial independence, create jobs, and peace in the country. We are hoping that we undertake this activity at least every year, at the end of 2023, we should have capacitated at least 60 IDPs in the domain of improved agricultural methods, financial independence and the reduction of poverty.
This agricultural activity will provide a steady stream of income to this marginalized population where they will be able to provide shelters to their families, education, engage in peaceful talks and campaigns as well as to pass this training to their next generations. The political turmoil in the country has been going now since 2016 and upwards of 76,000 people have been displaced without proper nutrition, thus they are susceptible to live in starvation and develop acute health problems.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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